The integration of the online store with ERP and WMS systems automates information transfers, freeing users from a lot of routine work. E-commerce has evolved surprisingly, and will [...]
What is the omni-channel retail The omni-channel retail concept can be defined most simply as an integrated multi-channel sales strategy, through which the customer benefits from the same [...]
Do you want complete visibility and control of orders and inventory in real time? FluxVision WMS covers all the processes involved in the physical distribution and handling of goods. All [...]
At each end of the year, during the winter holidays, the volume of purchases increases by at least 5.5% each year, as announced by the Federation of Retail Companies, which brings together [...]
The world we are living in governed by hyper-production and hyper-consumption is strongly marked by technology, and logistics has become increasingly important for world economies, starting from [...]
Few industries are as complex as retail. Merchants must always have the right stocks at hand to be able to cover customer orders, without being able to honor orders or to fail to honor them on [...]